Joe Stangni Pulls an Anthony Weiner, Tweets Underwear Pic to Woman

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Anthony Weiner likely wanted to set a good example for folks during his time in office. But we doubt this is what he had in mind,

Joe Stangni, a Louisiana Councilman, has been caught in a Twitter scandal after The New Orleans Times-Picayune published a photo he sent of himself in his underwear to a town employee.

Explained the politician after this picture leaked: "I had an inappropriate but consensual relationship with an adult female and we exchanged improper electronic communications which ended in 2009. I did not use any government computer or city issued equipment to send or receive these communications."

Joe Stangni Twit Pic

Following the guidelines of Famous Person Apology 101, Stangi invoked a Higher Power in his statement, adding:

"I asked for God's mercy and forgiveness. I apologized to my wife and family and asked for their forgiveness as well. My actions and bad judgment had nothing to do with my duties and responsibilities as a public official. They were private acts, but I take full responsibility for my irresponsible behavior. This matter has been a painful experience for my family and I pray that everyone will allow our family to continue to heal. I am sorry."

The most embarrassing part of all this? At least Weiner had something to show off. (Hilton Hater) 01 Jul, 2011

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