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Longer Bus Rides, Dirtier Schools Sun Times: Chicago Public Schools students will have longer bus rides and schools that are half-empty will be dirtier..
Chicago Public Schools boss tying his pay to 'student achievement' Sun Times: Brizard disclosed Thursday that he is finalizing a "performance contract" that will tie his compensation to "student achievement."... CPS to Make $75M in Budget Cuts CNC: Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced $75 million in cuts to the school district's central office. The moves, which include 20 layoffs, are the first step in an attempt to ... Chicago Public Schools to cut central office's budget by $75 million Tribune: Chicago Public Schools may have found $75 million to cut at the district's central office... Breakfast in the Classroom Criticized: Adding to the morning chaos at Wentworth School on the south side: breakfast in a bag... CPS chief chimes in on breakfast program: Chicago Public Schools chief Jean-Claude Brizard has questioned some menu items and directed staff to remove...Sates Take Different Approaches To Education Reform HuffED: In Nevada, like Illinois the measures have had support from both parties, pitting teachers union against the Democratic party, a long-time ally... MORE NEWS ITEMS BELOW - DO YOU EVEN CARE?
Mentoring Program Focuses on Role Models for Boys CNC: A free mentoring program at minority elementary schools in the Chicago area is intended to strengthen families and help children, especially boys who lack adult male role models... Play Acting: Nora Fiffer finds characters deep within herself Sun Times: Now, in addition to her other jobs, she spends one day a week working with sixth graders as part of Changing Worlds, a non-profit organization dedicated to unifying literacy and the arts in the Chicago public schools. ...
Mitchem on Williams: 'It All Comes Back to the Numbers' Patch: But just more than three months after Williams' hiring, reports surfaced that Williams was unresponsive to teachers and students' interests in his current post as interim principal at Austin Polytechnical Academy of the Chicago Public Schools system.
03 Jun, 2011 --
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