Anthony Weiner Lashes Out Over Twitter Questions, Mocks Michelle Bachmann

Wanna ask Anthony Weiner about the allegedly lewd photo he sent to Gennette Cordova? Curious why he's following a 21-year old woman in Seattle?

Go right ahead. But don't expect a straight answer from the New York Congressman, who insists his Twitter account was hacked and who says he's never met Cordova (she concurs).

Surrounded by curious reporters yesterday, Weiner referred to one as a "jackass" and snapped at another: "I'm going to have to ask that we follow some rules here and one of those being you ask the questions and I answer the questions, does that seem reasonable?"

He also made fun of Michelle Bachmann.

Anthony Weiner Versus Reporters (Hilton Hater) 01 Jun, 2011

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