Good Times

I know I write a lot about my family and my friends, since these are the most important people in my life.  Since we live abroad, we spend a great deal of time talking to our kids about their grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles; family has always been number one in my list of priorities.

There are other unofficial family members that throughout the years have always been there for us: our dear friends.  Since we have spent over a decade in the city of Chicago and now in Indianapolis, our friends have played a huge role in our lives.  Thanksgivings, Christmases, New Year's and several other Holidays, we have spent in the company of our friends.  

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, since I have been writing for Ay Mama! for over a year and a half now, but when we moved from Puerto Rico to Chicago most of my dear friends moved there too.  I know it sounds unbelievable, but my friends Khadine and Ana (also Ay Mama! bloggers), Marie, Rafa, Omar and my dear sister, Lisa, were all friends from my High School and college years and we all ended up in the same city.  See, I didn't have to go look for a new group of people, because we already had our friends in Chicago.  It was the best.  We met a great deal of new people, but that family feel that is usually pretty much irreplaceable was exactly what we had with our group of old friends.

Around nine years ago we met Diana & Eduardo, the first couple of friends that we clicked with in our adult life and who quickly became unofficial family members as well.  Before kids every weekend felt like a huge party time involving lots of dancing, drinking, music and fancy restaurants, but once we all started having children, things changed quite a bit.  The parties were low key with kids running around the place, the alcohol intake decreased quite significantly - sometimes - and we all quickly became even a bigger Chicago family.  Birthdays, Holidays, picnics at the park and Summer festivals were our every weekend gatherings with our Chicago Rican family; one of the main reasons why I was so devastated when we left the Windy city.  I wasn't only leaving the best city ever, but I was also leaving my family, my friends, my home away from home.

As you know by know, I have been embracing everything that Indy has to offer and I have met quite an amazing group of new people here as well.  Ever since we moved to our new home - the grownup house - we have averaged one visit per month, at least.  Enrico calls our place the Freese-Goyco bed & breakfast and, of course, I absolutely love it.

All of our dear Chicago family & friends have been here and most of our parents have spent at least one Holiday with us.  Last weekend was no exception, we were blessed with the company of our dear friends Diana and Eduardo and it was the best of times.  The kids couldn't have enough of each other and we were able to relax and enjoy great company for the whole weekend.  Just like old times, alcohol included.  Ay Mama!

For today's recipe a very simple Summer drink:  Tinto de verano (wine cooler)



-4 oz of red wine
-4 oz. Diet Sprite
-Twist of lime


Mix all ingredients together and pour over a glass with ice.  Salud!

01 Jun, 2011

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