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How do you like it Illinois?  How does it make you feel?  How do you like having your nose rubbed in the effluent of corruption with the conviction of Rod Blagojevich, another known conniving Democratic Machine hack?

How do you feel knowing you are paying through the nose for his poor governance and rabid corruption?  How do you feel knowing this is not the end of the line.  There is more to come.  Corruption is the beast that never dies.

"I think Rod Blagojevich deceived and misled lots and lots of people in Illinois, the voters included. And the facts that came out in this trial with the conviction by the jury speak for themselves. ... The conviction of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich... underlines, I think, for every person in Illinois the importance of reforming our government on a daily basis from top to bottom."  

"I think he deceived everyone. ... I think it should be an alarm bell to all of us in Illinois, in government and outside of government, to work together to strengthen our democracy." 
Gov. Pat Quinn

Pat Quinn has deceived the people in Illinois.  He is a man who has a raging case of venereal conflict of interest.  A man with no ethics, morals, or shame.  A man who is bought and paid for.

"Fixing Illinois government will require its citizens paying attention."  Mark Brown/Sun Times

When is the media going to start paying attention?  There is plenty of blame to go around for the Rod Blagojevich saga.  The Democratic Machine, what John Kass calls the Combine in Springfield, and the media who enable them.  

Remember who endorses people like Rod Blagojevich and Pat Quinn, among others.  Remember who is their propaganda spokesweasels.  The media has done a very good job of keeping the beast alive by continually endorsing the same politicians for election and reelection.

Over and over again. Do they ever say they are sorry?  Do they ever state emphatically they made a big mistake?  

The fact that Blagojevich was the son in law of a major Machine power broker should have rung alarm bells all over the place.  Yet, they endorsed him and even defended some of his actions and antics.  They enabled him.  Just like they enable the cornucopia and culture of corruption that pervades this state like a pandemic disease and predatory pestilence.

It is time for the media to stop the madness and do their jobs.  A humble apology for their endorsements of all the organized criminals of the past would be a good start.  

Then there are the voters.  Never underestimate the stupidity of the voter.  Especially in Chicago.  We elect these poltroons, macaroons, and buffoons.  The worst voters are the hard Democratic voters.  They would vote  for a child molesting serial killing fiend as long as there is a "D" in front of the name.  

You continually vote for these criminals, these plague diseased vermin, these thieves in the night.  You deserve them.

When will you finally learn?

All quotes from the Chicago Sun Times



29 Jun, 2011

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