Monta Ellis to Bulls? Don't count on it

Here's your daily rumor regarding a shooting guard and the Bulls. This one comes from Bay Area. How would you like Monta Ellis running backcourt with MVP Derrick Rose?

It would look filthy. But don't think you're going to like the price -- at least the way it's being rumored.

Tim Kawakami from the San Jose Mercury-News writes: "Then there is the matter of getting the right deal for Ellis, who is due $11 million in each of the next three seasons. After checking with a few NBA sources, two teams kept coming up -- both with the combination of potential interest and the right roster pieces to intrigue West and the Warriors. They were: Chicago, which might have been a big-time perimeter scorer away from pushing Miami to the brink in the Eastern Conference finals. Would the Bulls think about Luol Deng for Ellis? Could the Warriors sweeten that offer? And Memphis, West's old team, which has Rudy Gay at a huge salary and which offered O.J. Mayo for Ellis in the recent past. That doesn't mean it will be easy for the Warriors to trade Ellis -- emotionally or practically. It will take some guts. But again, that's precisely why West was brought to the Warriors in the first place."

Two things here:

1. Ellis is a 33 percent three-point shooter, though he shot 36 percent this season. Does he really solve the Bulls' shooting woes from the two guard position?

2. Why on Earth would the Bulls deal Luol Deng, who Tom Thibodeau calls the "glue" of the team, for a two guard that averaged almost as many shots per game as Rose?

Regarding point one, Ellis would be a good player to have. If the Golden State Warriors would take Kyle Korver, Keith Bogans and filler (such as draft picks), the Bulls will do it without hesitation.

He doesn't shoot particularly well, but like Rose, he's worked long and hard on extending his range. It worked last season as he made 36 percent on about four three-pointers per game.

He, like Rose, is 6-3. The Bulls have been through the small backcourt days in the past -- Kirk Hinrich and Ben Gordon, and then Rose and Hinrich/Gordon. It doesn't work. The chances you're going to win a championship with two 6-3 players (if not shorter) in your backcourt are slim.
Monta Ellis.jpg
Who's going to guard Dwyane Wade, who's 6-4, 220 pounds? Ellis is 6-3, 185. Don't think that will get it done.

To point two: If the Warriors want Deng, John Paxson and Gar Forman are hanging up the phone in a heartbeat.

It's as simple as that.

The Bulls do need an upgrade at shooting guard, we all know that. But they're much better off searching for one through free agency, with options such as Jason Richardson, Jamal Crawford and potentially Arron Afflalo.

Ellis would look good in red and white. But not at the price the Warriors will want. Deng for Ellis?

If you're Chicago, you may not even answer that call.

01 Jun, 2011

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