Spencer Pratt Pissed at Virgin Mobile, Sparah

Spencer Pratt is apparently still around. And furious at Virgin Mobile over its faux celeb spokes-couple "Sparah," which he says is blatantly copying Speidi.

Virgin's new ad campaign is built entirely around a fake Hollywood couple called "Sparah," a mashup of the names Spencer and Sarah. Sound familiar?

Pratt is pissed that he and Heidi Montag have become the butt of a national joke. Not because of pride or hurt feelings, but dude wants to get paid for it!

3 Boobs

Sparah Speidi at an event last year.

According to Spencer, Speidi is so getting ripped off. "They should being paying for using our likeness. It's obvious they are trying to be us," he says.

Pratt doesn't stop there, adding, he and Heidi "hate" Sparah ... "It's nuts how much [Virgin is] promoting them, when they are obviously copying us."

It's an interesting legal question. Even if Speidi did inspire Sparah, can you sue someone for mocking you? Lindsay Lohan has probably tried ...

[Photo: WENN.com]

steve@thehollywoodgossip.com (Free Britney) 01 Jun, 2011

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/06/spencer-pratt-pissed-at-virgin-mobile-sparah/
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