You're Guilty, Mr. Rod Blagojevich

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Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was convicted of (14) counts of wire tapping, extortion, attempt to extort and bribery, today. A jury of (11) women and (1) man, after meeting almost two week's, left Blagojevich "stunned" by this devastating verdict.  There were no autographs this time being passed out to his followers, just a kiss and hug to his wife Patti, as he left the courtroom in a daze.

In Blagojevichs second trial, he finally went down.  He was convicted on (11) counts on trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat previously occupied by Obama, (3) counts of shake-downs of Children's Memorial Hospital and a racetrack executive. Blago was acquitted on (1) other count and the jurors were deadlocked on a count concerning a construction executive.

This is our 4th former Illinois Governor convicted of felonies, since 1973!  It is difficult to imagine that we the people of the State of Illinois continue to elect unethical criminals to our highest power.  The Governor sets the standards and policy for our state, yet four of them are convicted felons!

My friend worked for the "Friends of Blagojevich" and helped him get elected.  I met her when my husband threw a fundraiser for him for his first term in office.  We never received any favors from him, but then we didn't ask.  We really were just looking for a Governor that would lead the way after former Governor Ryan landed in jail.

Early in Blago's second term my friend told me that there were some major issues in the "Friends of Blagojevich" fundraising camp.  She was an ethical woman and knew she needed to leave her job with him.  She bolted out of there like a Chicago Marathon runner headed to the finish line!  It was then I knew that Blagojevich was headed for problems.  I wonder how much of my tax money he spent on his own gains.

So, as Blagojevich deals with the prospect of facing significant time in prison, another chapter on another corrupt politician is closed, leaving the people of Illinois questioning what were they thinking when they voted for the former convicted Governors. Whether they are Democrats or Republicans, it appears both parties have made mistakes in choosing their candidate for office. 

 Or, perhaps all of our politicians conduct their jobs this way, but just don't get caught!

28 Jun, 2011

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