Illinois GOP Betray Own Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the latest three votes, the Illinois GOP has shown itself to be little else but Democrat lite and has shown that even planks in its own platform are meaningless when it comes to voting time.

The last Illinois Republican Party platform was produced and approved in 2008 (See .pdf here) and there hasn't been another one since.

Lets start our scolding with the recent vote to wildly expand gambling in Illinois, a bill that 21 Republicans voted for, shall we?

SB744 passed this weekend with a 65-60 vote in the Illinois House. 21 Republicans voted "yea" on this despite what their own party platform say. That platform says...


We call on the Governor and the General Assembly to balance the state budget and provide for a responsible capital development program without resorting to the expansion of gambling, which harms Illinois' families and our state's business climate and presents costly challenges for both law enforcement and social service agencies.

Republicans voting yes were:
Mark Beaubien
Bill Brady (former GOP Gubernatorial candidate)
Rich Brauer
Franco Coladipietro
Tom Cross (House GOP Minority Leader)
Roger Eddy
Greg Harris
Chad Hays
Sidney Mathias
Jerry Mitchell
Donald Moffitt
Richard Morthland
Raymond Poe
Dennis Rebolletti
Chapin Rose
Wayne Rosenthal
Jim Sacia
Skip Saviano
Ron Stephens
Jill Tracy
Dave Winters

Then there is the new vote on the Illinois DREAM Act (SB2185)

We saw 11 Republicans vote to reward illegal immigrants with this one. But the GOP platform seems to insist that immigrants come to the Land of Lincoln legally.


We are a nation of immigrants, and the Republican Party welcomes those who respect our laws and seek freedom and opportunity in our great country. We believe it is only right to expect that our new residents come in through the front door and join us in society as fellow Americans. Further, we advocate retaining the right to adopt and enforce prudent policies relating to the numbers of immigrants America welcomes each year and their individual contributions to our nation's needs.

Those Republicans that voted in favor or rewarding illegal aliens are:

Tom Cross, Minority Leader
Mark Beaubien
Rich Brauer
David Leitch
Sid Mathias
Mike McAuliffe
Rosemary Mulligan
Raymond Poe
Skip Saviano
Darlene Senger
Dave Winters

Finally, 34 Republicans voted to raise the costs for all of us in our electric rates. Voting to raise our electric rates in this time when the economy in Illinois is one of the worst in the country are:

Tom Cross, GOP House Minority Leader
Mark Beaubien
Patricia Bellock
Mike Bost
Rich Brauer
Franco Coladipietro
Michael Connelly
Jim Durkin
Roger Eddy
Mike Fortner
Renee Kosel
David Leitch
Jerry Mitchell
Thomas Morrison
Richard Morthland
Chris Nybo
JoAnn Osmond
Sandra Pihos
Raymond Poe
Bob Pritchard
Harry Ramey
Dennis Rebolletti
David Reis
Chapin Rose
Skip Saviano
Tim Schmitz
Darlene Senger
Joe Sosnowski
Ron Stephens
Ed Sullivan
Jill Tracy
Michael Tryon
Dave Winters

Now, while there is nothing specifically in the platform about utility prices, there is a section where the GOP promises to lower the cost burden on Illinois business and by extension our families.

Illinois Republicans understand that taxing businesses translates into fewer jobs, less investment and higher consumer prices. Therefore Republicans not only oppose higher general taxes but will consistently fight the multitude of tax and fee increases which are bleeding Illinois employers and destroying jobs.

Yet, now this large contingent of Republicans did just that, they voted to further "bleed" Illinois.

With "Republicans" like this, who needs Democrats??

For contact information for our Illinois Republican representatives click here.

01 Jun, 2011

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