President Obama Says Republicans to Blame for No Immigration Reform

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President Obama said it's not him or Democrats who are holding up comprehensive immigration reform, it's Republicans. The president emphasized at remarks to the National Council of La Raza in Washington, D.C. Monday.

"[F]eel free to keep the heat on me and keep the heat on Democrats. But here's the only thing you should know. The Democrats and your President are with you. Don't get confused about that. Remember who it is that we need to move in order to actually change the laws," he said.

Obama told the group there is "unfinished business" and that "I promised you I would work tirelessly to fix our broken immigration system and make the DREAM Act a reality." The DREAM Act, which would give citizenship to children of immigrants who are in college or serving in the military, failed in the Senate last year and has not had success moving forward yet in 2011.

"Believe me...the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting," he said, adding because that's not how things work with the constitution.

"Yes you can, Yes you can!," the crowd chanted in response.

"So let's be honest. I need a dance partner here -- and the floor is empty," he added.

The president noted, what he sees as problems in the system - that America allows "best and the brightest" to study, but then asks them to leave, that it "tolerates" immigrants and business that break rules, and punishes those that follow.

"I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books, but that doesn't mean I don't know very well the real pain and heartbreak that deportations cause. I share your concerns and I understand them. And I promise you, we are responding to your concerns and working every day to make sure we are enforcing flawed laws in the most humane and best possible way," Obama said.

After the speech, the Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Networked fired off a statement calling the president "deporter-in-chief" and saying they feel he's starting to go "rogue."

"Despite soaring rhetoric, the president's unbridled enforcement of unjust and outdated immigration laws has contributed to an unprecedented civil rights crisis for our community. And his administration has deported over one million people, surpassing the total number of people removed during Operation Wetback. The President can now claim the title, deporter-in-chief," said Director Pablo Alvarado.

Obama vowed to keep up the fight for legislation, but didn't give a timetable for the next action. Earlier this year in El Paso, Texas he presented his vision for immigration reform.


Kimberly Schwandt 26 Jul, 2011

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Wu: "I'm Trying to Take Care of the Best Interests of My Family"

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Embattled Oregon Democratic Rep. David Wu says his family is his focus as he deals with the fallout of the latest Congressional sex scandal. 

"Aside from everything else, I'm trying to take care of the best interests of my family," Wu said as he left the Capitol building heading to a waiting car. 

Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., was with Wu and was also one of four House members seen talking with Wu during a vote sequence near the rear of the chamber Monday.

At first, Honda denied talking to Wu, saying "No, I didn't" when asked if he talked with Wu. They actually talked for at least ten minutes.

Then when a reporter indicated they also saw Honda conferring with Wu, the California Democrat said "There's nothing I want to share right now. Very personal things though. I want to respect that."

Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn., who was also observed talking with Wu said he just wanted to express his concern for Wu's two young children and "make sure they're alright."

Walz says he knows Wu from a Congressional delegation trip to Afghanistan last year. Wu was also seen talking to Reps. Judy Chu, D-Calif., and Rush Holt, D-Ill.

House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson, D-Conn., has spoken with Wu twice in the past three days.

Larson, without saying he was speaking about former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), whom the Democratic leadership eventually asked to resign after a recent sex scandal, said he told Wu to look to past situations.

"I said recent events should guide him as to how things can unravel around here," Larson said.



Chad Pergram 26 Jul, 2011

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Team Owner Suggests Debt Crisis Players Need NFL Coaching

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New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, center, speaks during a news conference at the NFL Players Association in Washington, Monday, July 25, 2011, after the NFL Players Association executive board and 32 team reps voted unanimously Monday to approve the terms of a deal with owners to the end the 4½-month lockout. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft gave some advice to Washington politicians on negotiating when he spoke at a press conference announcing the end of the NFL lockout on Monday.

"I hope we gave a little lesson to the people in Washington because the debt crisis is lot easier to fix than this deal was," said Kraft said after announcing NFL owners and players had agreed to end their labor standoff.

Demaurice Smith, Executive Director of the National Football League Players Association, tried to subdue Kraft's political tackle. "Robert probably got us in trouble with the White House, I'm sure," Smith said.

After months of negotiations, the National Football League Players Association and NFL team owners agreed on a ten year collective bargaining agreement.

Meanwhile the wrangling over the debt crisis continues in Washington as NFL players get ready to head to training camp.

Kraft apologized to the fans of the game for " talking about the business of game and not the team."

Steve Brown 26 Jul, 2011

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Bachmann / Pawlenty Spat Foreshadows Iowa Straw Poll

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Tim Pawlenty claims there's one key political distinction between himself and Michelle Bachmann.

"There's a big difference between talking and getting stuff done," Pawlenty said. "I get stuff done."

It's the latest chapter in the rivalry of the two Minnesota candidates for the Republican presidential nomination which boiled over Sunday.

With Pawlenty having spent almost two weeks saying Bachmann has no congressional accomplishments to speak of, Bachmann had enough.

In a Sunday statement Bachmann fired back.

"I have fought against irresponsible spending while Governor Pawlenty was leaving a multi-billion dollar budget mess in Minnesota," Bachmann's statement read.

This back-and-forth comes with Pawlenty still trailing Bachmann in most polls.

For Bachmann, the verbal sparring seems to come with at least some risk. It will likely draw even more attention to the Iowa Straw Poll in less than three weeks. And Pawlenty seems to have the advantage of a larger, deeper Iowa operation.

The Ames Straw Poll ballot was finalized over the weekend with nine names appearing on it. But two big names were missing: Sarah Palin, a Fox News contributor, and Texas Governor Rick Perry aren't listed, largely because neither has announced nor campaigned in Iowa. But they may get straw poll votes anyway.

"Any Iowan who wants to support someone who has not declared for President will have that for first time with a write-in," Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn told Fox News.

Rival campaigns concede Ron Paul is a real threat to win the Straw Poll and the Texas congressman likes his chances. "I wish I could say that I'm the front-runner and nobody is ahead of me and it's a shoe-in, but the truth is we can do it and can do very, very well and hopefully come in, first," Paul said.

Steve Brown 26 Jul, 2011

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Wisconsin Preparing for Potential Federal Default

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As Democrats and Republicans battle it out in Washington on how to raise the debt ceiling and reduce debt, leaders in one state capital are hunkering down and preparing for default.

Wisconsin's administration secretary wrote a memo to Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., pointing out which federal funds Wisconsin receives and where to expect cuts if the federal debt limit isn't raised.

"Federal revenues make up approximately 29 percent ($9.3 billion) of the Wisconsin state budget on an annual basis," Sec. Mike Huebsch wrote. "Top programs include Medicaid, UW federal research grants and student financial aid, transportation, TANF block grant funds, child care and child welfare services funding, low-income energy assistance, workforce training, and community development block grants."

Wisconsin was recently locked in its own contentious budget battle in which Walker and Republicans in the state legislature curbed union rights to balance the budget. But a federal default could pull funds Wisconsin and other states use to even out their bottom lines.

"Federal revenues are considered a part of the state's general fund for accounting purposes and Wisconsin has sufficient cash in the short-term (at least three months) to continue to fund federal obligations if desired..."

But the report shows a lowered bond rating that results from default could cause greater problems for Wisconsin.

"State revenue collections could be dramatically affected if federal default results in further economic deterioration and return to a recessionary situation," Huebsch's report reads.

The report shows that Wisconsin agencies receiving federal funding are already watching for information from the federal government about which programs could lose funding first if the nation defaults.

Steve Brown 26 Jul, 2011

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Lauryn Hill Welcomes Sixth Child!

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Congratulations go out to Lauryn Hill. The singer welcomed her sixth child into the world on Saturday, a healthy baby boy that was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.

But all is well now, a source tells BlackCelebKids dot com: "Mother and baby are fine... Everyone is happy."

Lauryn Hill Picture

Hill already has five children with Rohan Marley, joking at a concert in April that she's "the most fertile woman in America." (Sorry, Octomom) The new arrival joins siblings Zion David-Nesta, Selah, Joshua, John and Sarah. (Hilton Hater) 26 Jul, 2011

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President to Address Nation on Debt and Deficit Monday Night

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The White House says President Obama will address the nation at 9 p.m. EDT Monday night on debt and deficit negotiations.

The president is expected to speak from the East Room of the White House to weigh in on congressional negotiations to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending.

Sources tell Fox News the president will not announce a a deal to raise the debt ceiling or a new plan.

Fox News 26 Jul, 2011

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Jennifer Lopez: Close Deal to New American Idol Deal

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Let's leave Jennifer Lopez's messy personal life aside for a moment and focus on her professional universe: Just how close is the singer to returning in 2012 as a judge on American Idol?

VERY, according to Cécile Frot-Coutaz, the CEO of FremantleMedia North America, which produces the Fox competition.

“We’re in good shape," she told The Wall Street Journal. "No worries. No dark clouds on the horizon.”

Steven Tyler, J. Lo and Randy Jackson

An announcement may be made any day this week, which would seemingly be welcome by most Idol viewers.

Despite losing Simon Cowell and despite upheaval at the table due to the departures of Kara DioGuardi and Ellen DeGeneres, season 10 of American Idol garnered huge ratings with J. Lo and Steven Tyler on board.

Do you want to see Lopez back on Idol? (Hilton Hater) 26 Jul, 2011

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Amy Winehouse Autopsy Results: Inconclusive

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How did Amy Winehouse die?

Despite rumors that drugs were to blame for her tragic demise Saturday, the exact cause of death has yet to be pinned down, and may not be for weeks.

According to reports, the late singer's autopsy – which took place on Monday at the St. Pancras Mortuary in London – has not established a cause of death.

Results are expected in 2-4 weeks, after further toxicology tests are performed.

Peep That Rack

R.I.P. Amy Winehouse (1983-2011).

Police who found Amy Winehouse dead say there were NO drugs or paraphernalia in her home. Various tabloid reports that she went on an epic bender the previous night have circulated, but those have not been confirmed.

Officials say her death was "not suspicious" and that she died alone in her bed. She was discovered by a security guard hired to check up on her.

For now, Amy's death at age 27 - the same age that saw the end of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain - remains a mystery. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Linda Christian, Early Hollywood Icon and First Bond Girl, Passes Away

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Linda Christian, a 1940s Hollywood star with the distinction of being the very first Bond Girl, has died in Palm Desert, Calif., at the age of 87.

A brunette beauty born Blanca Rosa Welter in Mexico, Christian was discovered in Acapulco, Mexico by Warner Bros. movie star Errol Flynn.

Life magazine, in writing of her curves, dubbed her the "anatomic bomb."

Linda Christian

She married 20th Century Fox's biggest star, Tyrone Power, in 1949. The marriage ended in a 1956 divorce, though it produced two daughters.

In the '60s, she was also briefly married to the actor Edmund Purdom.

Christian starred as Vesper Lynd, James Bond's romantic interest, in the 1954 TV adaptation of Casino Royale, with Barry Nelson as 007.

The episode was part of a CBS dramatic series called Climax. Author Ian Fleming's character was so new that Bond was called "Jimmy."

Christian's best-known film was 1963's The V.I.P.s, which starred Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton immediately after they did Cleopatra.

Christian played the gold-digging girlfriend of Rod Taylor's character. Besides her daughters, she is also survived by eight grandchildren. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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A Little Help: Jenna Fischer Speaks on Dramatic Movie Role

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The Office's Jenna Fischer is no stranger to being in front of the camera, but headlining a major motion picture, as she does in A Little Help - in one of her first dramatic roles, no less - was an adjustment for the actress.

The role of a train-wrecked wife and mother was markedly different from Pam Beesly, and did come naturally, Jenna tells our partner site, Movie Fanatic.

"This character was the biggest departure from my actual personality than anyone I’ve ever played before, so that was a challenge," Fischer explains.

Read Movie Fanatic's exclusive interview with Jenna Fischer!

Jenna Fischer in A Little Help (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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House to Vote on FBI Director Extension

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FBI Director Robert Mueller (AP File Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)The House plans to vote Monday evening on a bill that would allow President Obama to re-nominate current FBI Director Robert Mueller for two additional years.

Mueller, 66, faces mandatory retirement in September if the House fails to pass the bill, but that is not expected to happen. The Senate last week unanimously approved the same bill.

The president would still need Senate confirmation before making Mueller the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover, who led the agency for almost 48 years from 1924 until his death in 1972.

President Obama said in a May statement that "Mueller has set the gold standard for leading the bureau," and "Given the ongoing threats facing the United States, as well as the leadership transitions at other agencies like the Defense Department and Central Intelligence Agency, I believe continuity and stability at the FBI is critical at this time."

The position of FBI director became a presidentially-appointed one requiring Senate confirmation in 1968. The 10-year term limit was enacted in 1976. Hoover, which many saw as controversial, was not subject to the limit because the bill was passed after he assumed the position. On more than one occasion, Hoover was accused of exceeding his authority, and his suspected behavior is thought to be one of the main reasons for the term limit.

Mueller's current term was confirmed by the Senate 98-0 on August 2, 2001.

Jason Donner 26 Jul, 2011

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Judge Dents Dr. Conrad Murray Defense; Won't Admit Michael Jackson Rehearsal Footage

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Dr. Conrad Murray was dealt a major blow today when the judge in his involuntary manslaughter trial - which begins this fall - ruled that 16 hours of Michael Jackson rehearsal footage is impertinent to Murray's defense.

Murray's lawyers claimed that the tapes, taken before Jackson's ill-fated 2009 This Is It tour, showed him to be in chronically poor, declining health.

The judge disagreed.

Dr. ConradMJ IS ALIVE!!!

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers wanted the outtakes to prove Jackson was very ill in the days before his death, and therefore - since he was already dying, or so his theory goes - Dr. Murray can't be held responsible for his death.

But Judge Michael Pastor ruled the outtakes were valuable to Sony (which did not want to release them and has them protected by armed guards), and also ruled that the videos do not show MJ in noticeably bad health.

Because the hours of video show, in the judge's opinion, a reasonably healthy Michael, it undercuts Dr. Murray's theory that MJ was a lost cause. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Is Tiger Woods Having Money Problems?

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Is Tiger Woods, unthinkably, in financial trouble these days?

That may be both exaggerating and oversimplifying it, but given a loss of some endorsement deals, his recent divorce settlement, a hefty mortgage, and even a pay cut from Nike, Planet Tiger isn't what it used to be.

Forbes reports that Tiger recently signed a deal to hawk a heat rub in Japan. Although Woods was likely paid in the single-digit millions for the spot, it's a far cry from his former campaigns for Pepsi, Gillette, and Accenture.


Once king of the sports world, Tiger has suffered financially since late 2009.

After his personal life imploded, his endorsement list shrank and his marriage ended in a divorce settlement with Elin Nordegren worth $100 million-plus.

But now he may actually be hurting for funds. At the very least, there are signs that the legend isn't generating enough to comfortably cover his costs.

Woods took out a $54.5 million mortgage on his home in Jupiter Island, Fla, last year. He is required to pay off the mortgage in full by January of 2016.

That gives him a mere five and a half years to shed the debt at more than $10 million each year, which includes his $431,042 in annual property taxes.

He's left his old agency and even fired his caddy. He's injured and unable to compete for prize money, with no victories since 2009. Things are not good.

Silver lining. The Bank of Rachel Uchitel apparently returned a bunch of cash. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Melissa Molinaro Calls Out Kim Kardashian: Get a Life!

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Melissa Molinaro looks very much like Kim Kardashian. This is no secret. Old Navy admitted as much after featuring the aspiring singer in a commercial a few months ago.

But Kardashian apparently isn't flattered by the doppelganger use, as she filed a $20 million lawsuit against the company last week, claiming the ad was an "unauthorized use of Kardashian's name, likeness, identity and persona."

Now, Molinaro has responded - and basically told Kim to get a life.

Melissa Molinaro Commercial Still

"We're still talking about this?! It's JULY this aired in February...some people have too much time on there [sic] hands," Molinaro Tweeted, seeming to imply that Kardashian has nothing to do but whine and social network.

"I'm blown away by all your support and blessed to have an amazing family & friends like you!" Melissa added.

It should be noted: Kim did not mention Molinaro in the suit. She also has a line with rival retailer Sears in the works. The gloves - and, most likely, shirts - are about to come off, folks! (Hilton Hater) 26 Jul, 2011

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POWER PLAY VIDEO: Portman Identifies $2.8 Trillion in Cuts for Debt Deal

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The president has renewed his call for revenue increases as part of a debt deal, despite the fact House Speaker John Boehner walked away from one-on-one talks last week and is now pitching his caucus a Senate-House agreement hinging on $1.2 trillion in spending cuts and no tax increases.

Ohio Senator and former Office of Management and Budget Director Rob Portman agrees that's "the direction we need to go," but says there is at least $2.8 trillion in cuts that have already been agreed to that he wants to see in a final proposal.

Still, the Republican says, "What's critical is that we go ahead now and put these spending cuts in place. If it's a trillion dollars to get us six months down the road, that's a whole lot better than passing this debt limit without real cuts."



Chris has all the up-to-the-minute happenings on Capitol Hill and the 2012 campaign trail. Check him out weekdays at 11:30 ET at Read his column at beforehand and jump straight into the debate.

Fox News 26 Jul, 2011

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Waka Flocka Flame: Arrested For Marijuana Possession

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Rapper Waka Flocka Flame was arrested on Saturday for marijuana possession by New York City police, but has since been released, according to reports.

Waka was reportedly apprehended by NYPD in a parking lot outside the Coliseum Mall in the NYC borough. He later vented about this incident on Twitter:

“I’m finna jump on my flight 2 Kc ....... sorry 2 da whole m town 4 not coming I had spend a nite n jail with no charge #onlybecauseirap,” he tweeted.

Waka Flocka Flame Pic

Flocka later reassured his fans that he would keep things moving.

“Can’t no 1 stop with GOD got planned 4me [know that],” he said.

Flocka's release means that both he and Gucci Mane remain free to promote their buzz-worthy collaboration album Ferrari Boyz, which comes out August 9.

Gucci Mane was released from jail on July 8 after serving four months for a probation violation. Keep things moving, you guys. Just keep things moving ...

[Photo:] (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Transportation Officials: FAA Shutdown Hurts Aviation and the Economy

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Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood  (AP File Photo/Susan Walsh)Transportation Sec. Ray LaHood is urging Congress to pass legislation to fund the Federal Aviation Administration, saying a continued partial shutdown will not only damage aviation, but local economies as well.

"Construction workers across America will lose their jobs and local communities will be hurt the longer this goes on," LaHood said in a statement. "Congress needs to pass an FAA bill to prevent further economic damage."

The House passed a measure to extend funding for the FAA near current levels until mid-September but reduced federal subsidies for tickets bought at some smaller airports. The new $1,000 subsidy cap was a sticking point for some senators and the Senate left town Friday without passing the House bill or developing an FAA authorization of its own.

Because of that Senate inaction, the FAA says it issued stop-work orders at airports across the country as funding ran out over the weekend. While vital FAA operations continued, construction projects were forced to come to a halt. But the FAA said the lapse in funding won't affect the safety of air passengers.

Administrators say the shutdown has halted upgrades as it tries to modernize an outdated air traffic system.

"Unless Congress acts quickly, more work on projects critical to our nation's aviation system will come to a halt," FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt said in a statement. "Work is stopping on construction and planning projects, NextGen system testing, and airport certification. The list goes on and on and this is just the beginning."

Many of the construction projects the FAA says have been shut down are new control towers. It notes new towers were already underway at airports in Las Vegas, Palm Springs, Calif., Oakland, Calif., Wilkes Barre, Pa., Kalamazoo, Mich., and Gulfport, Miss. The agency also says the funding lapse means it has to furlough nearly 4,000 workers in almost three-dozen states.

Chad Pergram 26 Jul, 2011

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The Basics of Boehner’s Debt Pitch to GOP Conference

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Fox News has received details of the "Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable" that Speaker John Boehner will pitch to his fellow House Republicans Monday at closed-door conference meeting. The pitch centers on new legislation that includes a $1.2 trillion cap on discretionary spending.

The approach was received from a senior GOP leadership aide and reads as follows:

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable

Republicans insisted if the President wants his debt ceiling increase, the American people will require serious spending cuts and reforms. This two-step approach meets House Republicans' criteria by (1) making spending cuts that are larger than any debt ceiling increase; (2) implementing spending caps to restrain future spending; and (3) advancing the cause of the Balanced Budget Amendment - without tax hikes on families and job creators. While this is not the House-passed "Cut, Cap, & Balance," it is a package that reflects the principles of Cut, Cap, & Balance. Here is more information on the plan:

--Cuts That Exceed The Debt Hike. The framework would cut and cap discretionary spending immediately, saving $1.2 trillion over 10 years (subject to CBO confirmation), and raise the debt ceiling by less - up to $1 trillion.

--Caps To Control Future Spending. The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration).

--Balanced Budget Amendment. The framework advances the cause of the Balanced Budget Amendment by requiring the House and Senate to vote on the measure after October 1, 2011 but before the end of the year, allowing the American people time to build sufficient support for this popular reform.

--Entitlement Reforms & Savings. The framework creates a Joint Committee of Congress that is required to report legislation that would produce a proposal to reduce the deficit by at least $1.8 trillion over 10 years. Each Chamber would consider the proposal of the Joint Committee on an up-or-down basis without any amendments. If the proposal is enacted, then the President would be authorized to request a debt limit increase of $1.6 trillion.

--No Tax Hikes. The framework included no tax hikes, a key principle that Republicans have been fighting for since day one.

Chad Pergram 26 Jul, 2011

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Kristin Cavallari: Smothered By Jay Cutler?

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Jay Cutler does a mediocre job calling the shots on the football field. Off the gridiron, however, he was incredibly good at controlling Kristin Cavallari.

The Bears quarterback smothering the former Hills star was one of the things that caused their relationship to unravel, according to a new report.

A friend of Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler, who knew the couple and spent time with them socially, says he made things difficult for his fiancee.

The two called off their engagement this weekend.

Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari Picture

Says the source of the now-former couple:

"Jay Cutler was beyond controlling and didn't really like Kristin to go out," the friend says. "When she did go out, he called all the time and demanded to know exactly where she was going and who she was with."

"He always made her choose between being with him and being friends with a lot of her girlfriends. I'm not surprised it didn't last."

Cavallari and Cutler, 24 and 28, respectively were first linked last summer. They had been planning a wedding for next spring, and Kristin is said to be "absolutely devastated" after the football star broke up with her. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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She's Going Places: Rascal Flatts Pens Tribute to Caylee Anthony

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Rascal Flatts has come out with an emotional tribute to Caylee Anthony. Lead singer Gary LeVox co-wrote "She's Going Places" with Cledus T. Judd.

Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy, have already reached out to arrange a meeting with the ban, though Rascal Flatts has yet to respond.

The lyrics are pretty emotional, and if you're a fan of the band, you'll probably like the music as well. If you've got tissues on hand, take a listen:

Rascal Flatts - She's Going Places (A Tribute to Caylee Anthony) (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Drugs to Blame For Amy Winehouse Death?

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Even her biggest fans likely agree that if Amy Winehouse died from something other than a drug overdose, it would come as something of a surprise.

Tabloid reports that her last 36 hours were spent in a drug-induced blur are therefore easy to believe, but nothing has been established conclusively.

A source told Britain's The People the late Rehab singer, who was found dead Saturday at 27, was seen buying the narcotics at a London bar Friday.

Fueled by whiskey, ecstasy, ketamine, cocaine and heroin, reports say, "Amy seemed determined to have a big one," an insider told the tabloid.

"Getting out of it was clearly her main priority of the night," the source adds. "None of us know who was with her into the early hours of Saturday."

Should we believe this? Not so fast.

Amy's doctor had just visited the singer Friday, a day before she died, and was reportedly "happy with her condition," an insider told The UK Sun.

Of course, a lot can happen in a day.

"When he left on Friday night he had no concerns. Less than 24 hours later she was found dead," the insider told the paper. "Amy's health has been very fragile and she has been having a series of checkups."

Amy's parents, Mitch and Janis, have shot down reports of their daughter's drug-fueled demise, saying they don't think drugs were responsible.

Some friends of the late singer are speculating Winehouse might have intentionally overdosed after a quarrel with her boyfriend Reg Traviss, after he'd found out about recent conversations she’d had with ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil.

The Winehouse family flatly denied that took place.

Asked about reports that Amy had bought "cocaine, ketamine and ecstasy hours before she died," her parents said that it was all "nonsense."

Police confirm that no signs of drugs were spotted in her house, and her doctor reportedly did give the "all clear" the night before her death.

So what else would have done it? Instead, some believe Amy's passing was brought on by a massive seizure, with alcohol as the catalyst.

"The hardcore drugs completely wrecked Amy's nervous system ... She gave up [hard drugs] a while ago but she was still drinking heavily."

"That could bring on seizures."

Amy had been suffering from seizures regularly and, despite being warned by doctors, kept drinking. Still, we repeat, none of this is proven.

We'll find out more when toxicology reports come in. In the meantime, we hope that her parents, friends, and fans band together in support. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Leighton Meester Serves Mom With Lawsuit

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Gossip Girl's Leighton Meester and her mother are at odds, to say the least, and the reason the star is suing her mom is not just some petty gripe.

Leighton alleges that Constance Meester has been using considerable sums money meant for her son's medical care on plastic surgery for herself.

According to the suit, Leighton sends $7,500 a month to her mother to care for her younger brother, Lex, who suffers from severe medical issues.

Constance, in turn, uses it for plastic surgery, Botox and hair extensions.

It Suits Her

The suit also accuses Constance of threatening Leighton with a $3 million lawsuit unless she started sending $10,000 a month instead of $7,500.

The Roommate star wants a judge to declare that there was never an oral contract in place suggesting she agreed to do so (as her mom alleges).

Constance Meester famously gave birth to her famous daughter while in federal prison for her part in a ring that smuggled drugs from Jamaica.

Earlier this year, the 54-year-old had a restraining order filed against her by Laurel Wigg, whose son attended school with Meester's son.

According to Wigg's request, Meester allegedly promised to "hunt down and kill" Wigg and her son. Leighton then fired her as her manager. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Lindsay Lohan: Partying Like a Madman Lately!

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Lindsay Lohan hit the town in Hollywood Saturday night, and reports say it was not necessarily a sober evening for the much-maligned actress.

It's worth noting that LiLo is allowed to drink - random alcohol and drug tests are no longer part of her probation - but still, you gotta wonder.

What will Judge Stephanie Sautner, who just reamed out Lohan last week for not taking probation seriously enough, think of this behavior?

Shapely Convict

Lindsay might be hearing about this at her next court date.

Ending the night crying, screaming and "barely able to walk," as one witness says, is not likely to improve Lohan's standing with the judge.

Lindsay has also said, hilariously, that she's clean for life. If nothing else, this story is noteworthy for how delusional and/or dishonest she is.

She began her night at Chateau Marmont, and then headed over to Palihouse where her friend Michael Donegar celebrated his 25th birthday ...

"Lindsay looked great when she showed up at Palihouse, and ordered cranberry juice from the waitress," the source tells Radar. "I was like 'Who's that gorgeous girl,' and then I realized it was Lindsay Lohan."

The fellow reveler then adds that, "she was definitely sober when she showed up but as the night went on she got sloppier and sloppier."

"Everyone at the table was drinking lemon drop shots and there were two bottle of Kettle One vodka on the table. She ordered two martinis from the waitress, but she said they were for a friend."

"So the waitress brought them out and handed them to her. One of the other girls shot the waitress a look as if to say 'Don't give that to her.'

"But Lindsay took them anyway and took a big gulp out of one of them. Then, about 10 minutes later she did a shot of vodka."

Lohan was with two-time Survivor contestant Oscar Lusth, and got PISSED when she thought he was flirting with another woman.

"She yelled at him to 'Stop flirting with everyone'!" the source says.

"A guy sitting on the other side of Lindsay Lohan poured himself a vodka on the rocks and I saw her take two sips out of it. But she was really careful to only order juice from the staff," the source observed.

"By 2 am, she could barely stand. She was trying to stabilize herself on the chairs. Then she made it over to the curtains and hung on them. The manager saw this and went over and helped her stand up," the eyewitness says.

"She was really nice to the manager. She kept saying, 'Thank you. All my friend left me.' Then she picked up her phone and started screaming 'Everybody left me! Why did everyone leave me? Where are you?'

"The manager went back over to her and told her not to worry. 'I'll help you. Don't worry'," I heard the manager say. She eventually got outside, and when she got to her Escalade she just collapsed into it."

Just another night out with the Lohan. (Free Britney) 26 Jul, 2011

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Obama Cancels Appearance at Fundraisers as Debt Crisis Remains Unresolved

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President Obama will no longer headline two political fundraisers in Washington Monday as the White House and Congress continue their battle over the terms of raising the U.S. debt ceiling.

As the threat of default grows increasingly worrisome ahead of the August 2nd default deadline, the White House appears to have thought the better of going forward with the fundraisers either for fear of the image it would portray or perhaps so the president can remain readily engaged in talks.

At this point, there are no meetings with Congressional leaders on the president's schedule following a weekend of unsuccessful negotiations.

The two fundraisers, organized by the Democratic National Committee, were on the president's "Week Ahead" schedule last week, but when the finalized schedule for Monday was released, the fundraisers were taken off.

Chad Pergram 25 Jul, 2011

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Boehner Plays Numbers Game, Hopes to Hold Republicans with New Debt Plan

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President Barack Obama meets with House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, left, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Saturday, July 23, 2011, in Washington, to discuss the debt. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)The House Republican Conference will start off its week behind closed doors Monday where the GOP leadership is expected to present broad strokes of a framework for a debt ceiling plan that resembles "Cut, Cap and Balance."

That bill passed the Republican controlled House last Tuesday, but the Democratically controlled Senate agreed to kill the measure late last week.

The key now is to find a plan palatable to both chambers.

With 433 seats (and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona not voting), the magic number here is 217.

House Republicans control 240 seats, so the GOP can lose 23 members before they have to rely on Democrats.

They got a handful of moderate Blue Dog Democrats on "Cut, Cap and Balance:" Reps. Dan Boren, Heath Shuler, Jim Cooper, et al.

The high-water mark for the GOP was the 59 they lost in April on the Continuing Resolution to avert a government shutdown.

Today it is expected that Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, will ask for some "give" from House Republicans, and the text of the bill should be posted sometime Monday night.

If Republicans post the bill to the House Rules Committee website by 11:59:59p ET that means they can bring the bill to the floor Wednesday for debate and a vote.

The Rules would start Tuesday setting up the structure for handling the bill on the floor.

Don't expect hard-line conservatives and some Tea Party folks to be ecstatic about this bill. It will be interesting to see how much "sacrifice" Boehner can get out of his conference before he has to lean on Democrats for support to lug a bill across the finish line.


Chad Pergram 25 Jul, 2011

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Happy 42nd Birthday, Jennifer Lopez!

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Jennifer Lopez turned 42 Sunday, and reportedly rang in the big day the best way she could - partying carefree and solo in Miami Saturday night!

Given that she just announced her divorce, and given all the rumors of Marc Anthony cheating on her, it's nice that she was able to just let loose.

The American Idol judge has starred in more than two dozen films and released seven successful albums. Not a bad resume for the 42-year-old.

Here's hoping her 43rd year brings more success and happiness. Click to enlarge some of our favorite J. Lo pics below and wish her a happy b-day:

J. Lo LiveReady to CritiqueJ. Lo, Marc Anthony PicJennifer Lopez, Ojani NoaJennifer and MarcNo to J. LoJ. Lo HairJ. Lo and Tom CruiseNext Scientology Victim?Jennifer Lopez Pregnant?Jennifer Lopez PhotoJennifer Lopez HairJ. Lo CleavageJ. Lo Pic (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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Katy Perry's Smurfette Dress: Hit or Miss?

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With a custom Smurfette frock, Katy Perry made sure everyone knew which character she voices in The Smurfs at the film's Sunday premiere in NYC.

In her white mini-dress with a sequined, emblazoned Smurfette on the front, Katy joined co-stars Sofia Vergara, Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays.

Besides her newly blonde hair, the "Teenage Dream" singer completed her attire with a diamond cuff bracelet and blue Christian Louboutin heels.

What do you think of the look? Vote below!

Katy Perry Smurfette Dress

Katy Perry's blue carpet dress: Hit or miss? (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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Taxpayers on the Hook For Casey Anthony Defense

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People already up in arms over the Casey Anthony verdict may not want to read this new report, which indicates that they financed a big part of it.

Wherever she's in hiding, no need to worry about legal bills reaching her - $119,000 in defense fees racked up during her trial are being covered.

Thank you, Florida taxpayers! All taken care of!

Casey Anthony Mugshot

Another pending $5,800 in fees that Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has billed to his client's case has put the state's taxpayer tab at just shy of $125,000.

As per Florida law, public coffers have been covering Anthony's defense costs since all the way back in March 2010, when she declared herself indigent.

Anthony was found not guilty of killing 2-year-old daughter Caylee, but received four years for providing false statements to law enforcement officials.

Having served nearly all of that while awaiting trial for murder, her post-verdict sentence was just two weeks, and she was released on July 17.

The accused murderer went promptly into hiding; all her attorney Baez indicated to Orlando station WKMG is that "She's not here in Orlando."

Wherever Anthony may be, it's a safe bet that either Baez or another deal-making surrogate is forwarding her a fair number of media offers.

The moment the Orlando jury handed down its controversial acquittal, insiders began speculating that Casey could command seven-figure fees.

There is reportedly a war already among the major networks to land the first Anthony interview, which sources saying comes with "big price tag."

Don't expect Anthony and Baez to pay back the taxpayers with their earnings from this and subsequent tell-all endeavors. Just saying. (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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Mary J. Blige Opens Up About Childhood Molestation

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Opening up about an emotional topic, Mary J. Blige told VH1's Behind the Music that being molested when she was a child made her feel "worthless."

Last night, the Grammy award-winning singer gave a candid interview in which she talks about her difficult childhood and molested at the age of five.

Discussing the sexual abuse, Mary said: "When I was five years old I was molested and just, you know. I remember feeling, literally right before it happened, I just could not believe that this person was going to do this to me."

Mary J. Blige Photograph

However, the fear and anger soon turned to blaming herself. She added: "That thing followed me all my life. The shame of thinking my molestation was my fault. It led me to believe I wasn't worth anything."

Mary also opened up about her alcohol problems and credits husband Kendu for her ability to quit: "When I stopped drinking, it was willpower."

"It was prayer. It was really hard. But most of all, I cared so much about [Kendu], I didn't wanna be just this alcoholic burden on him."

In addition to Kendu, she is eternally grateful to Diddy:

"If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have made it this far in my career, because he pushed me, challenged me to challenge myself."

[Photo:] (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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Amy Winehouse Died Alone and in Bed, Security Guard Says

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Amy Winehouse was found dead in bed, alone, by a security guard who had been appointed to look after the singer, according to a new report.

The singer's cause of death at age 27 is still classified as unexplained - police are operating under the assumption of a drug overdose, but have not concluded this definitively - but it appears she went to sleep and simply never awoke.

Chris Goodman, a friend and rep for Winehouse, explained it:

A-Wino Live

"She was in her bedroom after saying she wanted to sleep and when he went to wake her, he found that she wasn't breathing," he said.

"He called the emergency services straight away. He was very shocked. At this stage nobody knows how she died. She died alone in bed."

An autopsy on Amy Winehouse is scheduled for today. (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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Katherine Jackson Plays Down Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy Theories

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Katherine Jackson, the mother of the late Michael Jackson, says she knows of no evidence to support any sort of conspiracy surrounding his death.

A number of people, including MJ's sister La Toya Jackson, have suggested there was a conspiracy among people close to the star to kill Michael.

La Toya said she believes people were involved who remain closely involved with the singer's estate, but Katherine has all but shot that down.

Michael and Katherine Jackson

Katherine told TMZ this: "It is only natural for people who loved Michael, including family members, to be suspicious about the circumstances."

"So far I have not seen one shred of evidence that anyone associated with Michael’s estate conspired to bring about Michael’s untimely death."

She continues, "If such evidence ever comes to my attention I will be the first to bring those facts to light. No one loved Michael more than I loved him, but no one should be falsely accused, as Michael was, of a crime they did not commit."

The list of falsely accused does not include Dr. Conrad Murray, who Mrs. Jackson believes should absolutely stand trial for involuntary manslaughter. (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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Jenelle Evans: The Lindsay Lohan of Teen Mom

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Since we'd gone awhile without hearing from Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans - other than reports of her trip to rehab, which supposedly went well, and a hospitalization caused by a cyst - many people assumed she was improving.

Wishful thinking, it turned out.

The 19-year-old is in serious trouble after she violated probation and tested positive for THC, a substance found in marijuana, and admitted using the drug.

Jenelle Evans Beating Up Girl

On top of the drug test, reports claim that Evans - on probation for a prior drug arrest, and dealing with the legal consequences of annihilating Britany Truett (see above) - is behind on her post-rehab care and court payments.

Sounds too familiar. Like Lindsay Lohan, nobody ever set limits for her and she is never truly held accountable for her actions. Comes from upbringing and the failure of the court system to lay the proverbial smack down.

Between physical violence, drugs, stealing, bad relationships (and teen pregnancy), Jenelle is on a destructive path for society and herself.

A lengthy stint in jail would drive this home, don't you think? (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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