Chaffetz: I’m Not Interested in a Debt Deal

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AP PhotoGOP Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Utah, says he wants more than just a deal to extend the debt limit.

"Everybody talks about what kind of a deal we are going to come up with," said Chaffetz on Fox News Saturday. "I want to have a solution."

Chaffetz says that solution should be the Cut, Cap and Balance Act which he sponsored in the House. The plan would raise the debt limit by $2.4 trillion, but would also cut overall spending and send a Balanced Budget Amendment to the states for ratification.

That bill was blocked by the Senate on Friday. Chaffetz calls that "downright shameful."

"We have a solution," Chaffetz said. "What are the Senate Democrats so afraid of?"

Representative Chaffetz says President Obama needs to seriously consider a balanced budget amendment as a long-term fix for the debt crisis.

"Does he [President Obama] eventually want to balance our books? I don't know that he necessarily does," replied Chaffetz.

Chaffetz adds he is still waiting for President Obama and Senate Democrats to produce their own debt plan.


Lacey Halpern 24 Jul, 2011

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