Bachmann Blasts Pawlenty on Record, Minnesota "Budget Mess"

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Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann speaks at a campaign event in Columbia, SC July 19. (Fox News Photo)2012 GOP candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann has some harsh words for her fellow Minnesotan, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty, striking back after days of jabs from the Pawlenty camp over the congresswoman's health, record and viability in the presidential race.

In a campaign email to supporters Sunday afternoon, Bachmann defended her "real world" successes and excoriated Pawlenty for "leaving a multi-billion-dollar budget mess" in Minnesota, which led to a government shutdown in the state early July.

"Real world actions speak louder than the words of career politicians," the statement concludes. Full email below:

Bachmann on Experience: "I have a lifetime record of success and action in the real world."

Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has issued the following statement in response to comments made by former Governor Tim Pawlenty on a Sunday morning news program:

"These are serious times that require serious solutions -- not more of the same. Being right on the issues is critical -- it is what the American people demand. Executive experience is not an asset if it simply means bigger and more intrusive government.

"Governor Pawlenty said in 2006, 'The era of small government is over... the government has to be more proactive and more aggressive.' That's the same philosophy that, under President Obama, has brought us record deficits, massive unemployment, and an unconstitutional health care plan.

"Actions speak louder than words. When I was fighting against the unconstitutional individual mandate in healthcare, Governor Pawlenty was praising it. I have fought against irresponsible spending while Governor Pawlenty was leaving a multi-billion-dollar budget mess in Minnesota. I fought cap-and-trade. Governor Pawlenty backed cap-and-trade when he was Governor of Minnesota and put Minnesota into the multi-state Midwest Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord. While Governor Pawlenty was praising TARP -- the $700 billion bailout in 2008 -- I worked tirelessly against it and voted against it. I have demonstrated leadership and the courage of my convictions to change Washington, stop wasteful spending, lower taxes, put Americans back to work and turn our economy around. I'm a hard worker who exhibits that courage in the halls of Congress and will take that same conviction to the White House.

"At 55, I bring a record of success in the real world in business, the law, and in fighting for our principles. I am self-made. I worked my way through school. I have a post-doctorate degree in federal tax law from William and Mary. I worked in the US Federal Tax Court as a federal tax litigation attorney. I am a job creator. My husband and I built a successful private company from scratch. In Minnesota, I led an unprecedented effort to reform education -- repealing intrusive regulations that hampered the ability of parents and educators to provide a quality education for their children. Since coming to Congress, I have led the fight against the job-killing Obamacare legislation, bringing tens of thousands of Americans to Washington to fight for free market healthcare. From my position on the Financial Services Committee, I have seen first-hand the damage done to the American economy by the scandals of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and I have been deeply involved in making sure that such calamities never happen again. And I was the first Member of Congress to propose the repeal of the Dodd-Frank legislation -- another job-killer.

"I have also been a leader of the Tea Party movement -- a national movement that transformed American politics in 2010. In Washington, I am the chairman of the Tea Party Caucus, bringing the voice of the people into the corridors of power. Indeed, I think it's fair to say that were not it not for last year's elections, we would not be having a fight about the debt ceiling. Instead, the Washington big spenders would simply have approved trillions in new spending and debt.

"That's my record. It's a record of action. Real world actions speak louder than the words of career politicians."

L.A. Holmes 25 Jul, 2011

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