Gang of Six Member: Plan Could be on Paper Soon

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It's viewed by many as the only bi-partisan solution to the budget mess here in Washington, but nobody has actually seen the final version yet. Now, one member of the "Gang of Six" tells Fox News a plan could be on paper "very quickly."

Republican Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho says the "Gang" is working on a different timeline because beating the debt ceiling limit was never the group's goal.

"This was put together not as a vehicle to solve the debt ceiling battle, but to solve the much broader debt crisis issue. It puts everything on the table. It's really a paradigm shift in American fiscal policy," Crapo insists.

Crapo is also a co-sponsor of the Cut, Cap and Balance Bill and wants it made clear you can support both ideas. "The ‘Gang of Six' plan is not inconsistent with the Cut, Cap and Balance bill... Frankly, America needs both if we are going to get out of trouble we are in."

The Senate tabled the Cut, Cap and Balance Bill along party lines on Friday. It cleared the House with 234 votes on Tuesday.

Chad Pergram 25 Jul, 2011

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