Big Brother Recap: Couples Therapy

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Last night's Big Brother drama featured Rachel - shocker - bawling again after a perceived slight, as well as a shameless, ridiculous celebrity plug by the Hoff.

Meanwhile, the veteran alliance continued to fracture, or at least we were led to believe so by Big Brother editors, and this week's nominees were unveiled.

Who ended up on the block after all of Rachel's waffling? THG breaks down Sunday's episode of the CBS guilty pleasure in its +/- recap below ...

David Hasselhoff on Big Brother

Dom and Adam know they're in trouble once again. Plus 4, because at least it took them approximately 30 seconds to kiss up and try to deal.

Plus 2 for D's open acknowledgment that the Regulators were "the worst alliance of all-time Big Brother history." At least someone's honest.

Minus 5 for the snoring, though. Not a way to curry favor.

Lawon is, as deemed by Rachel, a "super floater" ... who wears orange Crocs and argyle socks. No idea how to even score that combo. Wash.

"Who wants to see my HoH roooooom?!" - Rachel. Again. Minus 6.

"Who's house? Rachel's house! Whew!" - Lawon. Plus 3.

In the luxury challenge, Jordan somehow deduces that three bars of soap plus opera glasses equals ... David Hasselhoff. Wow, girl. Plus 9.

Minus 8 for the shamelessness of the Same Name plug by CBS, but Plus 11 for Jordan giving Brenchel the proverbial shaft by inviting Shelly and Kalia to share the prize instead - in Rachel's very own HoH suite!

Jeff on Big Brother 13

Rachel is PISSED about the snub by Jordan, along with Brendon giving Porsche a clue (which wasn't even helpful!) during the competition. Minus 21 for having to listen to this blabbering mess three times a week.

Minus 7 more for Brendon, who threatens to leave because he is risking his PhD, then schemes to nominate Jeff and Jordan, then makes baby talk to console Rachel in the span of two minutes. These two are insane.

Plus 2 for the cut-away shots of Jeff toasting champagne throughout this.

David Hasselhoff was a good sport, even if you could sort of tell that he either didn't want to be there or didn't know what to make of Big Brother. Plus 5.

The Hoff himself wears a Don't Hassel the Hoff t-shirt?! Unreal. Plus 8.

Does Lawon know how to speak normally? Do we want him to? Plus 6.

Adam and Dom are put back on the block. Minus only 3, because while it seemed like Brenchel could have made a bigger move here, a win by either the nominees or the HoH leaves the back-door potential open.

EPISODE TOTAL: EVEN. SEASON TOTAL: +21. (Free Britney) 25 Jul, 2011

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