Big Brother Eviction: A Foregone Conclusion

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There was little doubt who was headed home on Big Brother last night.

Dominic's surprising veto victory left the door open to back-door Cassi, who Rachel had been lobbying to vote off all along. Jordan, stuck between a rock and a hard place, ultimately decided to placate Rachel and play it safe.

It all made this week's Big Brother live eviction a foregone conclusion, but there was plenty of drama just the same. We relive it in our +/- recap below ...

Cassi Colvin Pic

Dom, Jordan and Shelly seemed legitimately sad that Cassi was leaving, and only Jordan had any say in it. Ultimately, she probably made the right call if her goal is to win, but she could've rid us of Rachel, so Minus 9.

Jeff sweetly tells Jordan she's a good person. Aww. Plus 7.

The unquestioned highlight of the night was Cassi calling Rachel going after her for no reason. Rachel's explanation? Cassi's comment about Porsche, and being bad at BB, made her a target. What a load of crap. Minus 18.

Then Cassi straight up owned her, saying, "You're a catty, catty girl" and "an ugly person inside." Then, twisting the knife even further, Cassi said she now realizes America was right last season - she does suck big time. Plus 40.

Cassi tried to clear the air with Brendon, but he was also kind of a douche, not really saying anything other than criticizing her word choice. Minus 6.

Jeff says he will SHRED Rachel if she flips on them. Bring it. Plus 10.

Adam is a Big Brother expert who lost 100 pounds? Dominic is a 25-year-old virgin who's never lived away from home 'til now? Wow on both. Plus 8.

Rachel and Brendon on Big Brother

Cassi didn't even lobby to stay in what was essentially a farewell speech. Plus 5, and Plus 5 more for Shelly making basically the same speech even though she knew she wasn't in danger. Classy move.

We'd watch a Thelma and Louise reboot with them. Plus 3.

Plus 5 more for Cassi's dress. No wonder Rachel hates her.

No marriage or kids for Jeff and Jordan? Come on! Minus 4.

Julie Chen asks Cassi - voted off 9-0 in a predictable result - if she was voted off because she's "so dang pretty." Hearing Julie say that felt awkward, but it's a fair question for the Olivia Wilde doppelganger, so Wash.

Rachel trashes Cassi in her farewell tape. B!tch. Minus 12.

This week's HoH competition was a trivia game in which the house guests had to guess, of two options, what online viewers would pick. Rachel effing wins AGAIN!! Brendon was the runner-up! Step it UP people! Minus 43.

Plus 4 for Julie's half-hearted "good for you," though.

EPISODE TOTAL: -5. SEASON TOTAL: +16. (Free Britney) 22 Jul, 2011

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