Boehner Plays Numbers Game, Hopes to Hold Republicans with New Debt Plan

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President Barack Obama meets with House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, left, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Saturday, July 23, 2011, in Washington, to discuss the debt. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)The House Republican Conference will start off its week behind closed doors Monday where the GOP leadership is expected to present broad strokes of a framework for a debt ceiling plan that resembles "Cut, Cap and Balance."

That bill passed the Republican controlled House last Tuesday, but the Democratically controlled Senate agreed to kill the measure late last week.

The key now is to find a plan palatable to both chambers.

With 433 seats (and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona not voting), the magic number here is 217.

House Republicans control 240 seats, so the GOP can lose 23 members before they have to rely on Democrats.

They got a handful of moderate Blue Dog Democrats on "Cut, Cap and Balance:" Reps. Dan Boren, Heath Shuler, Jim Cooper, et al.

The high-water mark for the GOP was the 59 they lost in April on the Continuing Resolution to avert a government shutdown.

Today it is expected that Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, will ask for some "give" from House Republicans, and the text of the bill should be posted sometime Monday night.

If Republicans post the bill to the House Rules Committee website by 11:59:59p ET that means they can bring the bill to the floor Wednesday for debate and a vote.

The Rules would start Tuesday setting up the structure for handling the bill on the floor.

Don't expect hard-line conservatives and some Tea Party folks to be ecstatic about this bill. It will be interesting to see how much "sacrifice" Boehner can get out of his conference before he has to lean on Democrats for support to lug a bill across the finish line.


Chad Pergram 25 Jul, 2011

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