"Enthusiastic" Perry Still Two to Four Weeks From 2012 Decision

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Texas Gov. Rick Perry speaks during a news conference in Austin, Texas on July 18. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)Senior Aides to Texas Governor Rick Perry say they remain at least two, and as many as four weeks away from any final decision on whether to run for the GOP presidential nomination.

Governor Perry is described as enthusiastic about the possibility and a reference to his wife Anita's encouragement yesterday, is actually a reflection of what aides say is many months of her agitation in favor of running.

His time frame for getting into the race is about creating the financial network to fund a national campaign that goes big in every state, not state-by-state like others are now doing.

Perry will not form an exploratory committee if he runs but jump immediately into the race. Aides say they are getting the administrative and political side of the campaign underway, while at the same time Governor Perry is boning up on policy and national and international issues. Aides say it will also take time for Perry to be ready in terms of the full expanse of his policy specifics.

At this point Perry supporters in Iowa are downplaying the likelihood of his participation in the Iowa Straw Poll or the Fox News Debate to take place on Thursday, August 11. As a tactical matter, Perry is rising in the polls and gaining momentum without being engaged, which could be a disincentive for him to rush into a debate as his first debut.

Many strategists compare a potential Perry campaign to Mitt Romney's 2008 campaign or George W. Bush's national campaign in 2000: One that is well funded, comprehensive and experienced at the local, regional and national levels. These same strategists make a point of saying there is a surprising lack of such an organization in the 2012 campaign at this time.

Trish Turner 22 Jul, 2011

Source: http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2011/07/21/enthusiastic-perry-still-two-four-weeks-2012-decision
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