John Edwards Ordered to Pay Back $2.3 MILLION in Campaign Funds

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Former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate John Edwards was ordered to repay the treasury $2.3 million, the Federal Election Commission ruled.

Edwards was indicted last month for breaking campaign finance laws by using political funds to cover up the affair with his mistress Rielle Hunter.

Federal auditors said all but approximately $200,000 of $13 million he received for his 2008 presidential bid came from federal matching funds.

Fallen Political Star

Though lawyers for Edwards said the campaign owes no money, auditors accused the campaign of understating cash and overstating expenses.

The repayment need not come out of John Edwards’s own pocket, and records show he has $2.6 million remaining in his campaign account.

However, Thursday's decision does mean he will no longer have those leftover campaign funds available to help with his mounting legal bills.

Severel friends of the disgraced, indicted Edwards have privately expressed concern about the former trial lawyer's personal finances, too. (Free Britney) 22 Jul, 2011

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