Making Reservations for Governor Perry; 527 Group Wants a Booth at Iowa Straw Poll

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Texas Governor Rick Perry (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)Texas Governor Rick Perry is currently not a GOP presidential candidate. He is not slated to be at the Iowa Straw Poll in August. But a 527 organization, "Americans for Rick Perry" plans to be there campaigning on his behalf.

Bob Schuman of the advocacy group confirms to Fox News that "Americans for Rick Perry" has contacted the Iowa GOP about vendor space at the upcoming Straw Poll.

527 groups are legally barred from coordinating with candidates or campaigns. Schuman says the group wants to make sure Perry has a presence at the Summer-time event which showcases the organizational strength of Republican presidential campaigns.

"(Governor Perry) has a faith and fasting day set for August 6," notes Schuman. "Even if he announces (he'll run) the next day it'll be too late(for the Straw Poll)." The Iowa Straw Poll is set for August 13.

A veteran of the Jack Kemp and Phil Gramm presidential bids, Schuman says he's pushing for Perry because of "the Texas economic story compared to the rest of the country."

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas added over 205,400 jobs between May of 2010 and 2011. That's more than any other state. California was second with 87,300 new jobs.

Steve Brown 05 Jul, 2011

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