The Situation Settles Feud with Mr. The Situation

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A simmering feud between Situations has been settled.

Jersey Shore star Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino filed papers today to dismiss a lawsuit he had set in motion against his dad, Frank. Son had been angry that father had been blasting him the press and attempting to profit off his (hilarious) name.

Close-Up of The Sitch

Frank has promised to avoid the same mistakes in the future, but he also places most of the blame on Robert Fletcher, a publishing agent who Frank claims was behind this video.

Frank has taken down his anti-Situation website and writes in court documents: "I regret getting involved with Robert Fletcher and I am sorry that I participated, to the detriment of my son Michael."

Fletcher actually paid Mike $5,000 as part of this settlement. What a ridiculous... sorry, but it's true... situation.

[Photo:] (Hilton Hater) 02 Jul, 2011

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