24 Interviewing Tips: Beat Out the Competition for that Job Offer

Let's face it: My husband and I are hardly ever the best looking, best educated, or most qualified people interviewing for jobs. (The Mr. disagrees with that handsome part of that sentence; he works in IT.)

How is it then that between the two of us we are offered jobs 95% of the time after interviewing? It's gotta be these tips.

(Granted, we don't always want the jobs offered us, but it's still nice to have a choice between several of them, rather than taking one because it was the only offer extended. Plus, there's that winning feeling you get from any job offer.)

Given the current economic times, we thought the tips we live by were valuable enough to pass on before So Not an Expert retires. Come June 6, ChicagoNow will be moving to a new system and I, sorry to say, will not be moving with it.

If I choose to pursue another job, rather than immerse myself back into family/stay-at-home mom life, trust me, I'll be prepping for interviews by following our own simple advice.

It's our hope this list will also help you or someone you know who is pounding the pavement for work. And may we never, ever have to compete for the same job. :)

31 May, 2011

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/so-not-an-expert/2011/05/25-interview-tips-how-to-interview-to-really-get-that-job-offer.html
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