Sweater Vested

Let me preface this entry that I am an avid Ohio State Buckeye fan. Although I am not an alum, I was born in OH-IO and by default, a Buckeye for life. One of OSU core values is to produce discoveries that make the world a better place. Now before I get all highfalutin on values and life, I get that sports is not a representation of life. But to inner city kids who sit on the couch with moms while a coach sells them on what life could offer them at <insert name of school>, society has made sports synonymous with life. Athletes are pegged as role models and coaches are like parents. While I like to think of sports as entertainment and painfully jonsin over no NFL, let's run with the notion that sports emulates life or life... whatever, you get my drift.

Tressel's resume. Lot's of good work experience. Big Ten titles. Backside tannings of little blue. Yet two things stick out like a bad hemorrhoid. Chokes in the big game and the most NCAA violations. Painful discoveries. My final beef with JT. Integrity. Something he preached and the last guy you thought would dishonor. I hear all over the internets, JT is falling on the sword, we don't know the real story. Here is the real story. When you resign, it means one of two things. You got tired or you gettin fired. If you are on the up and up, you don't walk away from a good thing. Woody Hayes once said, "Any time you give a man something he doesn't earn, you cheapen him. Our kids earn what they get, and that includes respect." Coach Tressel cheapened himself, his kids and The Ohio State University core values.

Urban Meyer, line 2.

31 May, 2011

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/halas-hall-water-cooler/2011/05/sweater-vested.html
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