The long road back has begun.

I have been waiting to write this since April 9th.  That was the day I needed to cut short an 11 mile training run and only ran 5 miles because I had hurt my back a few days prior.  Since that time I have made two trips to the ER, one not related to the back, had an MRI which showed a herniated disc and spent four days in the hospital, also not related to the back.

On Friday May 20th at 2:30 I got a cortisone injection.  After the injection the nurse asked if I had any questions, I had one when can I start running?  She told me not to do anything for 48 hours, and I needed to start slow, I shouldn't run 10 miles.  It is now Sunday at 2:30 and I have just finished my come back mile.  To say I ran this mile would be an overstatement, no I jogged the mile, but I did it.

Can endorphins kick in after a very slow mile?  I think they can and did.  It felt good to get outside.  It is beginning to get warm it was sunny, training and running season have begun once again.

Why have I begun running again so soon after the injection?  Marathon training begins in 3 weeks.  I will be running in the Milwaukee marathon on October 3rd.  This will be my 11th marathon.  More importantly I will be running for the 3rd time as a charity runner for the American Heart Association.  Heart Disease is the number one killer of Americans and Stroke the number 3.  While these diseases kill many people they also injure many more each year.  I felt that I needed to comeback from my minor injury because people suffering from a heart attack or stroke have a much harder time coming back from their injuries.  It is very fulfilling knowing that all the miles I run and dollars I raise will help to cure these dreaded diseases.

After not running for 6 weeks I know that I need to take it slow and easy.  I need to keep my eye on the big picture.  Finishing my 11th marathon and doing my part to cure heart disease.
I wrote the above on Sunday May 22nd and here it Sunday May 29th and my recovery has come to a screeching halt.  The constant leg pain has returned with a vengeance.  It is once again very painful to walk let alone run.  I have surgery scheduled for Friday June 10th.  I have been told that the pain relief will be immediate and that I can begin running in 6 to 8 weeks.  While it is good that the pain will be gone the recovery will once again be slow.  I have been told that I need to start slow and the runs to be short, so no marathon this year.

This is disappointing in a sense but maybe this is my body's way of telling me to slow down and take a rest.  Runners hate being told not to run, this is who we are!  Maybe non-running medical professionals know best.  I know that I am going to listen to them, these last 2 months have not been fun and I do not want to repeat them.  I will be back running again just taking it easy this year.

I will still be raising funds for the American Heart Association.  Just because I have to take this year off,  heart disease does not.  You can still make donations on my behalf here!

Or you can become a charity runner yourself.  If you are already registered for the Bank of America Marathon or if you missed the registration and want to run, the Heart Association has a spot for you, visit our team site for more information.

31 May, 2011

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