Memorial Day used to mean ...

For me, the official kickoff of summer ...
when my share at the Jersey shore would officially start and so would the drinking and sunning and dancing and grilling and overall silliness followed by more drinking and more dancing.

Actually, I still think that's a perfectly fine and fabulous way to spend Memorial Day.

But, more recently, maybe it's maturity or more likely just a light bulb, I've thought about what it means when a soldier dies, when someone gets a knock on the door, when someone loses the most important person in the world to them.

I'm still going to the beach today.  But, before I enjoy my day off, which is all Memorial Day used to mean to me, I'm praying for anyone whose own days ended while fighting for this country and I am grateful for ~

1/ The freedom to do what I want
2/ and the freedom to think what I want
3/ and the freedom to blog about it.

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30 May, 2011

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