Details Emerge on Sean Kingston Jet Ski Crash

With his condition stabilized, a new report outlines just how Sean Kingston ended up in a Miami area hospital Sunday night.

Speaking on the jet skiing accident, Jorge Pino - spokesman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, which leads the investigation - told reporters yesterday:

"Sean was heading west from the MacArthur Causeway and Miami Beach Islands when his personal watercraft collided with the bridge, and he and his female passenger ended up in the water. A good Samaritan tended to the two of them until Miami Beach Fire Rescue arrived and saw there were injuries."

Sean Kingston Photo

While there are no indications that alcohol played a role in the incident, Pino acknowledges that "nine times out of 10, recklessness on the water involving personal watercraft contributes to accidents."

As we wait to learn more, other stars have spoken out and offered their prayers to Kingston. Among them, Justin Bieber, who collaborated with the artist on "Eenie Meeni."

"Got my friend @seankingston in my prayers tonight," he Tweeted. "a true friend and big bro. please keep him in your prayers tonight as well."

[Photo:] (Hilton Hater) 31 May, 2011

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