Everyone is Pregnant!

Holy Babies!

I feel like everyone I know is either pregnant or giving birth at this very second.

I'm pretty sure I just heard a baby slip through someone's vagina a second ago. Seriously.

It's like baby mania all around me and I'm starting to feel pressured...


I'm still super young and can't even fathom the idea of having kids, but I do love having all the big bellies around me. They are fun to pat. Wait, pregnant women don't like that, right? Oh get over it. There's a HUMAN inside your tummy!

Perhaps when I'm in the mood I'll write a detailed post about why I don't want to have kids. But seeing that people like to judge other women who don't want children, I'll just post this graph of why women who voluntarily don't want children are more satisfied with life (as opposed to women who involuntarily have them) GOT IT? Kind of confusing.

If you can't read the graph below, here's the link: Fertility Status and Life Satisfaction in Women without Children.

Happy Memorial Day and congrats to all the preggo women surrounding me on this Holiday.



Milkin' it

30 May, 2011

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/milkin-it/2011/05/everyone-is-pregnant.html
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