Mitt Romney is Team Jacob

The best part of a Presidential primary is watching the candidates, who for all intents and purposes are absolutely inhuman, struggle to relate to the common folk using what limited knowledge they have of popular culture. Sometimes, this involves twenty-year-old references to the early days of "hip-hop." Sometimes they managed to squeak in some Internet-gleaned language on American Idol, and sometimes, well, sometimes...

"I mean I like the Twilight series. I thought it was fun," Mitt Romney said. "I don't like vampires personally, I don't know any but you know my granddaughter was reading it and I thought, well this looks like fun so I read that."
It's good that he clarified that he doesn't "like vampires personally." I, for one, was starting to get worried for a moment.

I'm not sure this helps to lock away the coveted Millennial voting bloc. Suffice it to say, while he may not like vampires personally, Team Edward is clearly on the winning end of this deal. I mean, anyone who's read the books knows that there's essentially no competition between Mitt's clearly favored candidate, the shirtless werewolf, and his sparkly, effeminate vampire nemesis. Team Edward, while clearly inferior in pure physical attractiveness, is, in the long term, a more vulnerable and less stable relationship choice. Although, in terms of rectifying his appeal with social conservatives given his "socialistic" tendency to defend an individual health-care mandate, it becomes clear why Mitt Romney might select the more manly half-canine.

Honestly, though, I'm fairly sure he's just saying this because Edward has significantly better hair, even, than Mitt Romney, and this kind of campaign vulnerability is just too much for him to take.

I am curious, now, however, his feelings on zombies.

31 May, 2011

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