Race week, 13.1 Chicago edition...

How was the weekend? Everyone enjoy it?

My bright spot came after buying new shorts, my first new shorts since losing weight. I tweeted about it, but I've officially lost 16inches around my waist! I know I've got work to do, but that's awesome!

We had a nice weekend, my long run went alright. Yesterday's run was warm...OK it was hot! But it was still fun!

And now today, the long weekend is officially over and it's time to look ahead to this one. Hello race week!

I've had this race highlighted since last October when Coach Jen and I started looking at this year. I knew I'd run 13.1 Chicago again, as it was my first half marathon ever last June. It was also my first race solo, sans Dave. I had fun and I'm looking to repeat that this year.

The weather looks to be clear, though probably hot. I'm not going to dwell on the weather...nothing I can do about it.

I submitted my race plan to Coach Jen and Beth Shutt, my RD, and we discussed it last night. I'm ready.

After my last half, where I gave up, Jen and I talked about training mentally for upcoming races. Sunday Jen told me she wanted me to email her one reason each day why I will have a good race on Saturday. I don't think I'm going to post them though. Maybe in my race recap, but not now.

I'm really, really excited! I want to see how I run compared to last year! I'm going to run strong and have fun!

More later!

31 May, 2011

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/cubicle-dad/2011/05/race-week-131-chicago-edition.html
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