Civil Unions Will Be Legal Tomorrow...

Tomorrow is going to be a historic day for Illinois and it's thousands of GLBT's.  For the first this great state will be performing civil unions for gays and lesbians.  I can only image for those that have been waiting for this day the overwhelming joy they must be sharing with their loved ones.

Many people are asking if my partner and I are going to have a civil union, so I have decided to take to my blog and answer all and explain why.

The answer is NO; not now, and not anytime in the near future!  It's not that I am apposed to the idea, it's that it's not for me (or him).  While I applaud those that have campaigned for this right, it is also MY right.  So to those that can't understand why, just because it is legal, we are not rushing to the court house: Back The Hell Off and Mind Your Own Business.

No one can tell us how our relationship should be defined; that is up us and us alone.  To make me feel as if we are lesser in the gay community because of our decision is unacceptable.  I also find it a bit odd that the majority of ridiculous outrage I have encountered has come from single gay guys. Jealous much?!?

As long as you and your partner (legal or otherwise) are in a healthy, loving relationship then you should be able to live your life without persecution, especially from your own "community".  Happiness is not defined by other people; neither is your relationship.

To those of you that are having your civil unions, I wish you all the happiness in the world; as I would to anyone in love!

And just so there is no confusion...

Just not for myself...not right now! :-)

So remember my fellows gays,
we are all allowed to love;
in many different ways!

and coming soon....

31 May, 2011

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