RIP Chicago Conservative Icon, Tom Roeser

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over the weekend Thomas Roeser passed from us. For decades, Roeser was one of Chicago's most visible and versatile conservatives. Roeser was 82.

Roeser had a long career in politics once serving in the Nixon administration as an assistant commerce secretary. He left that position over a disagreement over his advocacy of the program meant to help minority owned small businesses.

From this point he came back to Chicago as the quintessential Republican reformer that he remained to his last days.

Roeser was a key member of the City Club of Chicago and was a long time talk radio host of WLS AM as well as a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Additionally, Roeser was the publisher of the Chicago Daily Observer.

Tom Roeser was also a stalwart defender of the Catholic faith.

The Chicago Daily Observer has a round up of memorial articles.

31 May, 2011

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