Are You Man-Sharing? What Are Your Thoughts?

By A Comeaux



In the wonderful world of dating and the taboo town of relationships, dare I pose a train of thought on the odds of man-sharing? Now before you log off or delete me from your Contacts, let's chat about the odds of one man being monogamous with one woman for the entire duration of their relationship. Side B, the serial daters, commitment-phobes and plain ole down dirty cheaters are unfortunately included in this equation. If you're in a relationship where you're both faithful with no question of fidelity, this isn't for you. Please stick around, odds are you haven't always had such luck! Chime in.

The conversation which sparked this forest fire erupted between three women discussing where they stood with men in this day and age of microwave dates, instant messages and Skype connections.

Calling them letter A, B, and C for matters of simplicity, A, has been dating a man for more than two seasons, she is familiar with his family, children, the ex and his boys night out.

B and C virtually ate her alive on topics they most certainly wouldn't tolerate from 'their man' but this is before they disclosed the ills of their affections. B is a serial dater and not only understands the game out there but is a star player! She doesn't promise nor expect commitment, monogamy or the like because the last time she 'fooled herself in love' by believing she was the only one, was her last time!

C, is in the clouds. Knowing her main squeeze has more pillows on his bed than a kid has germs, she's vowed to hang in there and prove her worth. (*insert side eye  glance accompanied with a 'girl, bye'!! ) And the rant began!

A, has taken the oath of turning the other cheek. She plays her role, knows her place and whatever he can squeeze in behind her back, then he can have at it. She doesn't concern herself with what isn't in her face, in her home or in her bed. She says, 'men will be men and there's nothing we can do about it but run them away by nagging.' Feeling as if the 'other' women know it's a passing phase, she's where home is and he won't ruin that. Even to the point of admitting his feelings for his ex, she silently admits to sharing her man. Period.

B, hides behind the 'hurt people, hurt people' ode and vows after her heart was placed in a shredder like an expired credit card, she will not hand it over to another man. So she dates as many as the hours will allow with little to no remorse, expectation or recourse. Confirming that what is put in a woman is what you get out of her, she hasn't dug deep to forgive to move on, instead living through the wounds she daily bleeds from.

Needless to say how these two proceeded to converse, while C plain and simply won't give air to the facts she's faced with daily! Her man won't move in, she has limited public visibility and barely if ever is invited to co-mingle with his family. She wants a husband, a ring, a solid commitment, heck at this point I think she'll settle for a roommate! Yikes! This turned out to be a little bit different than I thought.

In my mental notes I was sure to back this with firm statistics and percentages of women who signed up online to share their men like they do bags, fashion tips and motherwit Not so much.

So I ask, what are the odds you're sharing YOUR man?    

28 May, 2011

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