Chinese Leaders Statement On Disappointment With Illinois' Congressional Map's Impact On Chinatown


by Chinta Strausberg on Sunday, May 29, 2011 at 1:45am


C.W. Chan, Chairman, CBCAC (312) 933-7373 (cell)

Theresa Mah, Policy Consultant, CBCAC (419) 297-1232 (cell)


CBCAC Statement on Illinois Congressional Map

Proposal's Impact on Chinatown


The Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC) is deeply disappointed with the Illinois Congressional map proposal, issued yesterday, which continues to divide the Greater Chinatown community area into three districts at the Congressional level. After a great deal of hard work to keep the community intact at all levels in the redistricting process, CBCAC considers this new development to be a setback in its effort to gain fair voting rights for the Chicago Chinatown community. Despite the community's success with the state house and senate maps, which keep Chinatown intact, the result of Congressional redistricting indicates a lack of regard for the community that is unacceptable.


CBCAC is disappointed in the process that did not provide opportunity for input in the drawing of Congressional boundaries and asks that adjustments be made in the remaining time before the map is passed by the state legislature. For the past ten years, the Chinatown community has suffered from neglect and poor representation as a result of the way it was fractured at all levels during the 2001 redistricting process. According to the 2010 census, the Asian population in Illinois grew by 38.6 percent, the fastest rate among minority groups in the state. The area that is currently and continues to be divided between Danny Davis's 7th District, Daniel Lipinski's 3rd District, and Luis Gutierrez's 4th District, includes about 30,000 Asian Americans, an increase of more than 50 percent since the 2000 census. The people in this community deserve better. We call on the Illinois Senate and House Redistricting Committees to address our community's concerns so that we may be fairly represented all levels of government.  




 is a project of eight major service organizations in the community. CBCAC's mission is to empower Chinese American communities in Greater Chicago through organizing, civic participation, education and coalition building.  CBCAC's members are:  Asian American Institute The; Chinese American Civic Council; Chinese American Service League; Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce; Chinese Mutual Aid; OCA Chicago Chapter;  Pui Tak Center; and Southeast Asia Center



Theresa Mah, Ph.D.

Policy Consultant

Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC)

419.297.1232 (mobile)

312.791.0418 ext. 3328 (office)

312.791.0509 (fax)


29 May, 2011

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