Lady Gaga's Newest Album Projected to Sell 1 Million Copies in First Week: Cause for Celebration or an Example of Musical Freak Disease?

"Billboard projects that Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' will debut with first-week sales of at least a million units, far outpacing earlier projections, thanks to explosive sales at Amazon, which priced the album at 99 cents for two days this week."

     That was the "explosive" news that broke today on According to sources, the album, performed by the insufferable Stephanie "Lady Gaga" Germanotta, sold 330,000 units on alone on the first Monday of its premiere.

     "Moreover, the album is one of the most widely distributed titles in current times, available in about 20,000 storefronts, including CVS pharmacies, Whole Foods, Walgreens and others, according to UMG sources", says Billboard.

     Some merchants, wise as they are, prior to the selling of this item thought "Lady Gaga was overexposed and could suffer a sales backlash."


     What does this mean in Steven's world?

     This means that the American public has lost their friggin' minds.

     It means that we are now willing to shill our hard-earned dollars on mindless shlock that isn't fit to grace the 99 cent bin at Walmart. BUT WAIT! It was already in the 99 cent bin on! Barbra Streisand, for example, would NEVER had sent a debut album out at 99cents, because consummate artists know that their artistic merits are worth more than 99 cents.

     But that's because Lady Gaga isn't worth more than 99 cents. If she was a homeless woman performing on the street, she wouldn't even merit a small child dropping a quarter in her McDonald's cup, let alone the millions that her so-called "music-making" elicits.

     Lady Gaga, as I have said many times before AND in another blog, is nothing more than a common circus freak. Her artistry is plebeian and her talents are FAR overrated. To read more about her past and my other true feelings about her, read THAT past blog of mine, "Lady Gimmick: Lady Gaga and the Rise of Musical Idiocy."

     Millions of stupid teenagers fawn over Lay Gaga, despite the fact that her music is repetitive and the messages in the songs have been shoved in our faces time and time again. Who needs "Born this Way", when we have Marlo Thomas' "Free to Be You and Me"? Who needs "Judas" when we have "Jesus Christ, Superstar"? These examples are obviously meant for comic effect, but then again even Andrew Lloyd Webber is better than Lady Gaga (and I NEVER get the chance to say he is better than anything, so you know my point is a serious one...)

     Musicians need to learn that, to be a true artist, we need to be true to ourselves and not create some weird, ogre-like alter-ego that is totally devoid of personality and makes Sybil look sane. Stephanie Germanotta only parades around as Lady Gaga because she is uncomfortable in her own skin and can't take the mental anguish of being mediocre as a musician in her own right.

     We, as the American public, need to cut Medusa's head off once and for all. We need to stop rewarding this Carnival act and simply ignore her, so she will go away peacefully and leave her hackneyed music to live on in Gay Bars and Retirement Homes, where it belongs!

     The fact that her albums sold this many copies is reason enough, for many, to say "Leave her alone and let her make money", but I say NO WAY! She is taking money that she hasn't earned in ANY right... Her music isn't worth the paper it's printed on or the CD's that house it. It is mind-numbing crap that is sending the youth of America into a spiral of mediocrity.

      Lady Gaga does seem to have talent, as some see her, but I see that talent as forced and not "raw" and "uninhibited" as some see her. Her talent is a result of her insecurity, therefore her music and performances are insecure and flawed, as is evidenced by her tripping a falling down all the time.

      Say NO to Lady Gaga and let her leave our cultures minds fast, lest we be forced to suffer anymore at the hands of "The Fame Monster."

     My coined term of Liberal Idiocy Syndrome can even be morphed to fit this situation. I have coined a new term, in honor of Gaga, to describe her and all other musical simpletons:
Musical Freak Disease!

     Musical Freak Disease is a prime definition of Lady Gaga. No talent. No musical prowess. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Just a pure, unadulterated freak.



30 May, 2011

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