Movie Review - The Hangover Part 2

by David Schuster

While nursing my own hangover from the quick end of the Bulls season I opted to see "Hangover 2." Now I will tell you up front that I was in the minority in thinking that the original was not all that funny. Silly with some embarrassing moments for sure but no where near rip roaring laughter. And with that I'm not happy to tell you that the sequel was even worse. And it wasn't just me. In a theater half full on a Friday morning I didn't hear so much as a chuckle until the final credits rolled. I might have heard some snoring but no laughing.
The follow up has the boys going over to Asia for Ed Helms wedding. Along for the ride are his sidekicks, Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis. And would someone please tell me why Galifianakis is considered funny. He's just another over weight insufferable character who doesn't make me laugh in the least. For years now Hollywood has been trying to come up with substitutes for John Belushi and John Candy but Galifianakis is not in their league.

The sequel has the same premise as the original. The boys start with an innocent night out and next thing you know they wake up in Bangkok and have no clue what happened over the last twelve hours. Gee how original for the writers to cop out with the same stupid plot. Helms has a tattoo on his face (no idea how it got there,) Galifianakis has his head shaved (again no idea) and Cooper just preens even in a tattered state.
The boys run into a host of shenanigans before finally heading back (just in time) for Helms wedding to a beautiful Thai woman. In the original the audience was treated to Mike Tyson and his tiger. In the sequel we still get a dose of Tyson, and this time the leading role by an animal is played by a cigarette-smoking monkey. You heard me right.
I recently wrote that the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise finally got stale with the fourth installment. Well I'm here to tell you that the "Hangover" franchise is already stale with the initial follow up.
If you want to laugh then put on the Cubs game and watch them try and play defense but you wont laugh at this drek. Just a weak single - one star for "Hangover 2".

28 May, 2011

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