Rod Blagojevich sits alone

Daniel J. Kelley makes a good point in the Chicago Daily Observer.  Rod Blagojevich was not alone in political corruption.  He may be the star in his own reality show right now, but corruption does not operate in a vacuum.

No one acts alone.  "No Man is an Island."  It takes at least two to tango.  Corrupters and corruptees.  The briber and the bribe taker.  Money is not the only currency.  Favors, political horse trading, power, access, and jobs are the currency of corruption.  

Robert Sorich did not act alone.  Al Sanchez did not act alone.  Issac Carothers did not act alone.  Calvin Boender did not act alone.  And the boogie man who no one can find lately, Tony Rezko, definitely did not act alone.

The corrupters and the corruptees work hand in hand, together.  There is enough to around for everyone to benefit.  You, the citizen, are also part of the process.  You, we, us, keep electing the same people, the same party, the same machine.  We know they are corrupt.  But apathy keeps us from doing anything about it.

There has been no groundswell of people demanding true reform.  Reform with teeth.  There has been no reform activist movement with loud voices, rallies, support, and money.  We just complain, go on with our lives, and on election day vote for the same crooks, liars, and thieves.

Rod Blagojevich was elected time and time again.  To a backbench in the state legislature, to a better paid backbench in the U.S. Congress, and to the governor's office.  The ultimate do nothing backbench.

Look at the career politicians in Springfield or the Chicago City Council.  People in the same office for decades.  Look at the people, companies, professions, and groups who donate the big money to them.  Those who bundle big donations.  They are not giving those big bucks because these are great statesmen.  They give with one hand while holding the other hand out for political largess.

People who voted for Rod Blagojevich knew exactly what he was.  A cheap, grubby, Chicago Machine hack.  They elected him in primaries and general elections despite that.

Even when there were howls of protest from legislators of both parties over his governance, people just gosh darned liked the guy.

So there is Rod Blagojevich.  Sitting alone in a courtroom.  Fighting for truth, justice, and the American way.  There he sits in his bespoke suits and well coifed head.  He gets to tell his story.  

There should be others sitting at that defense table with him.  Some are high and mighty.  Some are rich and powerful.  Of course there is the media, who endorsed him.  They all deserve a place at that table.   Then there are the ordinary people who put him there.  You.  You elected him.  You deserve a seat at the table with him.

The problem in Illinois is the people of Illinois.  

Remember that next time when some smooth talking, good looking hustler with a pretty wife runs for office.

28 May, 2011

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