A Walk Down Memory Lane: Yearbook Pictures of Some Famous Rockers

'Tis the season of high school graduations, and the spirit is in full swing in our house as we have our very own grad.  While my daughter loved high school, she is even more excited about college.  It's a weird feeling having your child prepare to leave home and no longer have everyday oversight of her. 

I decided to investigate the yearbook pictures of some of the artists on my iPod, and I will try very hard not to make fun of them as we all know styles change over the years.  My daughter's senior portrait turned out horrible- we didn't even order any and were too lazy to schedule a second sitting.  Maybe there are some artists that I've included who hated their senior portraits, too, so I'll try to be gentle.  Enjoy!

29 May, 2011

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/music-mom/2011/05/a-walk-down-memory-lane-yearbook-pictures-of-some-famous-rockers.html
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