Wiener's Wiener: Dem. Rep's 'Hacking' Story Falls Apart

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over the last few days New York Congressman Anthony Wiener, a Democrat, claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked when it was revealed that "someone" sent a sexually graphic picture to a young woman in Washington State from his account.

The photo, a picture of a briefs-clad man sporting an erection, was sent to a young college student named Gennette Nicole Cordova who is a student at Whatcom Community College, Bellingham, Washington. This young woman once Tweeted that Wiener was her "boyfriend." No one is sure what sort of relationship Wiener has with Cordova if any. But there seems to be some links.

Another reason why this is very suspicious. Miss Cordova is purported to be just some random person that the Wiener Twitter "hacker" targeted. What makes this seem less and less likely is that Miss Cordova has in the last two days gone to great lengths to try and erase herself from the Internet. She has systematically closed accounts and even removed her name from stories she wrote for her school newspaper. If she was just an innocent, random person in this story, why has she gone to such pains to try and erase herself like that? Seems more like guilt driving her actions, don't you think?

For his part, Rep. Wiener claims his Twitter account was hacked. This does not ring true. Why would a hacker hack Wiener's Twitter account to send only one photo to some girl in Washington State (who claimed to be his girlfriend) and then just leave without doing other things?

Its far more likely that Wiener sent the photo himself. This elaborate "I was hacked" story does not ring true.

Anyway, whatever the case, many bloggers are having fun with this one. Stacy McCain has a great timeline of what has happened thus far. But this is the extent of my interest in the matter. Check out McCain's post on this one for more information.

30 May, 2011

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